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How to write content for your business social media pages?

A lot of social media businesses and brands have emerged in industry in recent years. The trend of shopping has drastically inclined toward online platforms. People deem it worthy and useful to shop online because it is handy and customers receive their products at the doorstep. Now there is a question that pops up in the mind of every person who wants to start their business or give a boom to their already present business on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram etc.

For carrying out business on social media, one does not solely need good products and customer service. The factor that how you present your products to customers is of principal importance that comes before any other thing including product quality and delivery service. An engaging and attractive content is vital to present the products in an online business. Because no matter how good your product is, a person will only be interested in buying it if it catches his attention and if the properties that the customer requires are properly explained alongside the product. That is why, an excellent content and product description is very crucial for a social media business.

The thing that involves all the steps to manage the content and presenting it to the right audience at the right time in a social media business is called Social Media Marketing Strategy. Without social media strategy, you are trying to succeed in your business in vain. You can get two customers or three, but it is very hard to thrive as a brand.

Social Media Marketing Strategy is the stepwise process in which the products of a business are presented in such a way to enhance the traffic, sales and customer engagement in the shopping. A Social Media Marketing Strategist provides the policies which a business can opt to flourish in industry and build customer trust on the business.

For writing an appealing content for your business, you need to follow the following steps:

Create a Plan

Before taking any practical step, it is useful to create a plan according to which you take steps. Without a proper action plan, there might be chances that you miss a step while launching the business that can prove very detrimental afterwards. A plan should be organized by keeping in mind the goals of the company and interests of consumers.

Determine Your Audience

Before creating content, we must keep in mind which audience we are targeting. We must know the gender, age group, interests and Geology of our audience. For example, we cannot use pink themes or words that represent feminine characters in a brand that sells masculine products. Similarly, children and teenagers prefer the visuals of a product while aged people and adults tend to focus more on the qualities of a product. We can also observe that people in Asian countries prefer cash on delivery service whereas people in Europe prefer to pay by card. Hence, all these factors must be kept in account to create a proper service and content plan for your social media business.

Set Your Targets

For observing if your business is delivering its motives and services in an understandable, audience oriented way, keep a check of your website traffic, impressions, orders and feedback. And see if they are matching your targets or not. It will help in evaluating the performance of business and restructuring the targets.

Type of Content

Understand the type of content most of your audience likes. Whether they like to see pictures, watch videos or read long captions. It helps to increase the reach of your post.

Share Your Motivation

For leaving a good impression and also motivating your customers, it is generally considered a convenience if you share how you came up with this business idea and what motivated you. Also mention your hopes for the future and good wishes for customers.

Use a User Friendly Vocabulary

While creating content for your business, either it is product description or content for marketing posters, try to use easy and user friendly vocabulary. Use of fancy words and tough vocabulary can exhaust the customers.

Search Engine Optimization

For your content to be readily available to the customers, use SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Look for the keywords that the people mostly use when they search a particular thing. Use these keywords in your content.

Stay Precise

Share your motive and product description in a precise and brief manner. Using long paragraphs and unnecessary details can bore the people.

Use their Language

If your target audience is from a specific geographical location, that is, if you want to keep your business to a limited level, use the local language of that area. If you deliver your products internationally, use the English language and try to provide a translation option to the users. It creates a user-friendly experience.


Before posting anything, proofread and review the content for any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. A mistake-free content is a key to professional content.

Video Tutorials

Share the unboxing videos from customers and create video tutorials on how to order the product, how to complain, or how to use a product. It also attracts an audience.

Follow the Trend

Try to create content that relates to a trending topic. It also orients the attention of the audience.

Stay Positive

In your content, never mock the other brands and people. Use positive and hopeful words. Criticizing others always leaves a negative impression on people.

Use Jargon

Jargons are the specific terminologies and expressions the people of a particular social group or profession use and other people cannot understand. For example, in medicine, doctors use the term myocardial infarction that common people call heart attack. So try to understand if you can use jargon or not. If the use of jargon is feasible, you must use it. It leaves a pleasant impact on customers.

Use Original Pictures

When you post, try to use the pictures which you have captured yourself. Do not use the pictures from other pages. Avoid plagiarism.

Understand the Algorithm

Good content is not useful until it reaches the target audience. For this, it is necessary to understand the algorithm on which your relative social media platform is working. For example, on Instagram, to increase the audience, use of hashtags and timing of when you post is crucial. The number of impressions, likes and comments also increase the reach of your post.

Share a CTA

Have you ever observed the link to a shop that is mentioned with an advertisement? It is a CTA or call to action. There are other types of CTA s also. Always mention a CTA with your posts and advertisements to facilitate your audience. Such as CTA to direct the audience to your website. It saves them time to search the shop and products separately.

Hold a Giveaway

A giveaway is a term used when an account holder, whether it is for business purposes or an influencer account, runs a promotion campaign. In this, the account holder promises to give free products to the person who fulfills the conditions of giveaway. For example on Instagram, these can include sharing the post or commenting on it that in turn triggers the algorithm of Instagram.

To increase the reach of a post, hold a giveaway on a regular basis. It helps to convey the post to a large audience that tends to increase the number of customers.


Collaborate with another brand to reach more audience. It is called co-marketing. Try to organize collaborative events like giveaways, webinars and promotion campaigns. It helps the customers of other brands to know your brand.

Follow the User Interest

In your content, highlight those qualities of your product that meet the user’s needs. Mention them from everyday experience. Try to emphasize that your services are solely to serve the customers. It gives a sense of satisfaction to the people.


For impressive content, buzzwords such as memes or trending jokes are also helpful. It introduces your brand to the people that are following the buzzword trend. Do not forget to use specific hashtags and pin others.

Schedule the Posts

Post on a regular basis and try to pre-plan the post before the start of the upcoming week. Make a proper schedule of posting for the whole week. Try to search for the time of each day when the people are most active. Motivate people to turn their notifications ON for your posts.

Share Your Success

Do not hesitate to share the milestones you have achieved in your business. People get more attracted when treated friendly. Try to sum up the hard work of the staff and thank them. Also thank the customers for their trust and positive response. It boosts people and motivates them to visit your shop next time.